
St. Mary's Catholic Primary School

Living and Learning Together - Shining in our Faith

British Values

Our last Pupil Parliament visit to Westminster

Supporting “British Values”

The St Mary’s School community strongly believe that Christian values and British values are mutually supportive. The recognition that all people are to be valued regardless of beliefs, background or ethnic origin is also made clear in the school “Equality Statement”. Therefore St Mary’s  takes opportunities to promote British Values, defined by the UK Government as the following:

  • democracy

  • the rule of law

  • individual liberty

  • mutual respect

  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

During each academic year St Mary's will actively engage in Parliament Week (1 - 5 November) and in the Spring term the whole school will focus on reviewing the aims of the school mission that promotes British Values. Permanent displays in and around school will support this initiative. In November as the school focuses on Remembrance, a whole school art project will celebrate; democracy, liberty, tolerance and public service. Our children will also attend the annual Armistice Day service at HMS Ringtail.

In the Summer term our school intends to re-engage with our annual visit to Parliament and work with the UK Parliament Education Service.

In actively promoting British Values, we will also focus on, and be able to show how our work with pupils is effective in, embedding fundamental British values. Actively promoting also means challenging pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including ‘extremist’ views.

