Living and Learning Together - Shining in our Faith
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School has adopted the 'Journey In Love' programme to support the non-statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education in all year groups. The programme of study is authentic to the teaching of the Catholic Church. Below is a brief outline of the content of programme.
The central message of the Christian faith is love. The central message of our RSHE teaching is Love.
‘My commandment is this: Love one another, just as I have loved you.’
John 15:12
The programme is founded on:
The structure of A Journey in Love:
The programme is made up of 4 areas:
Within each year group, each area is broken down into:
The sessions can be used independently, or adapted to fit existing patterns and good practice in schools. It is the integration and the drawing together of the three elements - moral and spiritual development, factual scientific material and personal development - that underpins the whole programme.
As part of our commitment to you, we will hold a meeting annually for the parents / guardians of children in Years 5 and 6 to discuss the programme. You have the right to withdraw your child from this aspect of the curriculum, however, this is not to be confused with curriculum Science, which is statutory.
If you require any further clarification regarding this aspect of the curriculum, please contact:
Mrs Joanne Preston (Subject Leader) or Deacon Peter Mawtus (Subject Governor)
RSHE Curriculum Map 2024-25