
St. Mary's Catholic Primary School

Living and Learning Together - Shining in our Faith


At St Mary’s Science is delivered to all children from Nursery to Year 6. In Early Years the Science is taught through different topics and covers Our Body, Habitats, Mini-beasts, Seasons, Plants, Animals, Growing and Forces.

In KS1 and KS2 the science is covered over a two year cycle and skills are built upon over this time in each age phase. The main themes that are covered are: Plants, Living Things and Habitats, Animals including Humans, Materials, Light and Sound, earth and Space, Evolution, Forces, Electricity and Seasonal Changes.

We aim to help all children to develop an understanding of nature and scientific processes so that they are able to answer questions about the world around them. we also equip them with the scientific knowledge needed to understand the uses of science today and for the future. 

Throughout lessons children will be challenged to think scientifically.  They will have the chance to plan investigations, make predictions, discuss fair testing, make observations and explain their understanding using scientific vocabulary.

For any further information about our Science Curriculum please feel free to contact:

Mrs C Priestner (Subject Lead)

Mrs M Ormsby (Science Governor)

Science Intent Document

Science Long Term Plan

Curriculum overview 2024-25
