
St. Mary's Catholic Primary School

Living and Learning Together - Shining in our Faith

School Nursing Service

School Nursing Service


School Nursing Service

The School Nurse service is available for any child, young person and their family aged 4 – 19 years.

School Nurses work in collaboration with schools, GP’ s youth services and many other community services to support the needs of children, young people and their families

Every school has a named School Nurse .You can ask the School Nurse anything:  if they can’t help you they will try and find someone who can. The School Nurse can also listen to you if you are worried about being hurt by someone you know or who lives with you.

What we do?

  • We work in Close Partnership with other organisations as well as Health and Education such as Children’s and Young Peoples Services, Private and Voluntary Organisations.
  • We undertake Health Assessments for Looked After Children and referrals as appropriate.
  • We offer support, advice and guidance to other professionals and parents on a variety of topics to do with health and wellbeing.
  • We have a key role in Safeguarding vulnerable children and young people including children and young people who have special needs and who have been excluded from mainstream education.
  • We offer training to staff and parents on how to manage specific health needs in school.
  • We offer first level support in Child and Adolescent Mental Health issues and refer on as necessary.
  • We have a key role in Public Health and contribute to the local and national programmes such supporting smoking cessation, tackling obesity, reducing teenage pregnancies and much more…

Where are they based?

There are 22 integrated children and family health teams who are based across Lancashire

How you get an appointment?

You can telephone the School Nursing team to get an appointment or you can get more information from Schools, GP and Youth services.

Contact your local team – West Lancashire West

Hants Lane Clinic (Hants Lane, Sandy Lane, Burscough, Tarleton), Hants Lane, Ormskirk L39 1PX

Tel: 01695 684235

 When Can You Expect To Receive Health Care from your School Nursing Team

There are 4 levels of service that we can offer for Children, Young People and their families:

  1. Community
  2. Universal
  3. Universal Plus
  4. Universal Partnership Plus



We work with schools and local communities to look at health needs and work together to address these needs


  • We offer support through transition from Health Visiting to School Nursing services for all children.
  • Every child has opportunity to participate in the National Child Measurement Programme in Reception and Year 6.
  • We review the health and wellbeing of children in years Reception, Year 6 and Year 9, by asking parents and childrren, who are old enough, to complete a confidential health questionnaire delivered as part of the School Health Needs Assessment process.
  • There is a named School Nurse for every School
  • Young People aged 11-19 have access to our Text Messaging Service Chat Health

Universal Plus  

We offer extra support to some families which we call ‘Universal Plus’ – this gives a response from your school nursing team when you need specific expert help. For example support around emotional health, advice around sexual health, support for families with children with a long term health condition or additional health needs.

Universal Partnership Plus

We work together with other local services such as schools, GP’s, Youth Services, Children Centres, Social Workers and Mental Health Staff to deliver ongoing support which we call Universal Partnership Plus. At this level we support families to deal with more complex issues over a period of time.

For more information please visit
