Living and Learning Together - Shining in our Faith
St Mary’s Catholic Primary school
‘Living and Learning Together, Shining in our Faith’
Local Offer 2024/2025
St Mary’s Primary school
Hall Road
L40 9QE
Telephone number - 01704 880626
Web site address –
What age range of pupils does the school cater for –
3- 11
Name and contact of Head Teacher
Mrs. Preston 01704 880626
Name and contact of SENCo
Mrs Sykes 01704 880626
Accessibility and Inclusion
What does the school provide?
There is a safety barrier located in front of the nursery entrance.
The school is fully wheelchair accessible at the front entrance, the hall entrance and the nursery entrance.
Access to school for all pupils and parents with disabilities is by the school driveway. The end of the school driveway is secured with gates to ensure the health and safety of all.
Accessible parking spaces are available for the public and disabled persons and a disabled toilet is available for wheelchair users if the need should arise.
Disabled parking is located directly outside the nursery.
All furniture is a suitable height appropriate to the age group of children being taught in that classroom.
The school has ICT programs for pupils with SEND in addition to the use of laptops, iPads, computers and interactive whiteboards in each classroom.
Resources for SEND are stored in the SEN room and are fully accessible for all staff to use.
Within classrooms there are visual timetables and individual workstations can be located within classrooms.
A small SEN room is available for children to complete small group activities and one to one interventions.
A small nurture room is available for children to complete interventions and social and emotional activities and meetings.
Early identification and early interventions
What does the school provide?
Excellent observations, communication and team meetings between teaching staff.
Different teaching strategies are implemented.
Range of different activities and interventions are planned and implemented.
Involvement of outside agencies and specialist support where needed.
Within nursery there is an assessment against age bands on the Development Matters document and professional judgements.
Teaching and Learning
What does the school provide?
The school works closely with parents and outside agencies to ensure that all children’s needs are identified and met.
A quality first teaching approach is in place where individual children’s needs are assessed and plans and resources are adapted, interventions and support are tailored to support all individual children’s needs.
Forest school
Indoor and outdoor learning and continuous provision and enhancements within the nursery and foundation settings.
Early Years Quality mark
Year 1 Quality mark
The SENCo and the teaching team regularly review the progress and attainment of all children.
The SENCo works closely with teachers and parents/carers to plan a curriculum that is accessible for all children.
Staff receive regular training with regard to SEND. Individual training can also be delivered depending on need.
School liaise with a range of outside agencies and will request outside agencies to complete assessments when required.
School will liaise with outside agencies for specialist support, recommendations and advice.
We offer a range of specialist interventions and bespoke interventions to support children.
Each class has access to teaching assistant support in class.
All interventions and support are listed within a school provision map which is reviewed and updated at least half termly.
The majority of staff have received first aid training (July 2023).
There are regular meetings between SENCo and teaching teams to review the progress made and the impact of interventions completed.
A SEN notice board in school keeps all staff informed of up to date information regarding SEND.
All SEN children are issued with super targets every half term. A copy of these are issued to parents.
Every half term parents whose children have received super targets are invited to an open hour meeting. They have an opportunity to meet with the SENCo and discuss any aspects of SEN, inclusion, intervention and support.
Evaluating teaching and learning
What does the school provide?
The super targets are reviewed at the end of the half term. The parent/ carer, child and teaching staff will review and discuss the outcomes and progress made.
The school team meet regularly to discuss individual children’s needs and the progress that these children are making.
The assessment coordinator and SENCo will discuss assessment data and progress on a termly basis.
All parents/ carers can email or phone the SENCo to discuss any issues regarding SEN.
What does the school provide?
Key staff are trained in first aid and paediatric first aid.
A Medicine policy which details how medication is managed and how to support children with medical needs.
Care plans which detail the care for individual children.
Asthma and Epi pen training has been delivered to key staff.
Two members of staff have received a mental health first aid qualification.
Key staff have received diabetes training.
Key staff have received Level 1 training in Makaton.
Health and Safety
What does the school provide?
Risks assessments are completed within classrooms and on the premises.
The site supervisor and Head Teacher monitor the health and safety on site.
The nursery, foundation and key stage 1 and the key stage 2 have separate break times. These are supervised by teaching staff.
The nursery, foundation and key stage 1 and key stage 2 have separate lunchtimes. These are supervised by teaching staff and welfare staff.
Children with an individual care plan may be supervised on a one to one basis over break and lunchtimes.
Working as a team
What does this school provide?
The school website will give up to date information on class organisation and the names and roles of all staff in school.
Each week a school newsletter gives up to date information on school events and information.
Through Facebook up to date information, events and progress is shared.
Each term a parents’ evening is held.
Every six weeks an open hour is held for parents of children who have SEN.
Every six weeks a review is held for children on the SEN register.
There is a school council and each class (with the exception of Nursery) has a representative.
Parents are included within reviews, EHCP meetings and reviews, CAF and TAF meetings and reviews. Their opinions and feelings are sought.
The SENCo communicates to Governors on a regular basis. A Governors’ report is produced three times a year.
Parents are invited to join a range of workshops in school.
The children’s views and opinions are regularly gathered and can be used to inform future practice.
All staff can be contacted via email.
Transition to Nursery and Secondary school
What does this school provide?
Transition to nursery – includes visits to and from other settings and detailed communication. A learning overview is shared and discussed. An ‘all about me’ document is completed and stay and play sessions with children and parents are encouraged.
The year 6 teacher and SENCo will meet with High schools regarding each individual child’s move to High school.
The year 6 teacher and SENCo will liaise with the High school and arrange additional transition days as required by individual children.
Lessons in class support the move to High school.
Open evenings and open days (where children can visit the school) are advertised, encouraged and supported.
Extra - curricula activities
What does this school provide?
We offer a range of after school clubs
We have a breakfast club (07.45 – 09.00 cost £5.00)
We have an after school club (15.20 – 17.00 cost £6.00 or 15.20 – 18.00 cost £8.00)
We arrange a residential for Year 5 and 6 children each year.
The link to the SEN information report is on the website.
The link to the Lancashire local offer is on the website.
To contact the nursery please contact Mrs. Wright / Mrs. Conway-Williams
01704 880626
To contact the school please contact Mrs. Wright / Mrs. Conway-Williams
01704 880626
Reviewed October 2024