Living and Learning Together - Shining in our Faith
Our beautiful church is dedicated to St Elizabeth, cousin of our blessed St Mary. We are very fortunate to be situated so closely to our wonderful church: the gate from our school grounds providing us with safe and easy access.
We are welcomed warmly by Father Godric, Deacon Peter and the parishioners who love to see the children leading the liturgy and singing at termly masses.
The parishioners also support the children in their sacramental preparations.
The children are fully involved in the preparation and celebration of the parish harvest festival - collecting provisions, decorating the church and leading the Sunday liturgy.
The classes are also welcome to gather at church to enhance their learning of RE: visiting the Stations of the Cross during Lent, looking at the symbols of baptism - the font and the Easter candle.
Each week the children are invited to Children's Liturgy at the Sunday morning mass, where they can enhance their understanding of the Sunday gospel that they have heard in Friday's whole school collective worship.
Masses at St Elizabeth's
Sunday - 9am
Wednesday - 9.30am
Holy Days of Obligation - 9.30am
Parish website -
Parish weekly bulletin -