
St. Mary's Catholic Primary School

Living and Learning Together - Shining in our Faith


At St Mary’s History is delivered to all children from Nursery to Year 6. The children study History each term and we follow an enquiry-based programme which builds on the skills taught over a 2-year cycle.


In the Early Years, the children will learn about:

Lives of people around them and their roles in society.
The similarities and differences between things in the past and now.
The past through settings, characters and events encountered in books read.


Over their time in primary school the KS1 and KS2 children will study significant people and significant events in History, areas of Local history, ancient civilisations, invasions on Britain and a contrasting non-European society.

Through their history lessons they will also have opportunities to develop their understanding of our 4 Key concepts which are:

*Monarchy & Leadership


*Migration / Invasion



Our aim is that all children will develop a good knowledge and understanding of significant events, people, and changes in the past. They will use a variety of different resources to find out about the past. They will develop a good understanding of chronology and therefore be able to understand the different interpretations of History.


For any further information about our history curriculum please feel free to contact:

Mrs C Priestner (Subject Lead)

Mrs M Ormsby (History Governor)


History Intent Document

History Long Term Plan

Celebrating 100 Years of St Marys - Victorian Day
