
St. Mary's Catholic Primary School

Living and Learning Together - Shining in our Faith


We have spent time as a school community defining the curriculum that we believe will support the children of St Mary's to become well rounded, knowledgeable individuals who achieve to the best of their ability and have strong moral purpose and a good sense of justice.


St Mary’s mission statement is “Living and Learning Together - Shining in our Faith”.  We firmly believe in trying to provide the best possible education and pastoral support for all our children with the teachings of Jesus Christ at the centre of all we do. 


St Mary's has carefully sequenced the school's curriculum to ensure our children's education begins in the first year of learning during St Mary's Early Years class.  Curriculum learning objectives for all aspects of the EYFS and National Curriculum have been carefully sequenced from Nursery to Year 6.  This enables all children, parents and staff to clearly see how learning begins, and then how prior learning is built upon as children progress through each year group in school.


The St Mary's curriculum is also carefully connected so that the children can make clear connections in their learning. 


Regular quality assurance of our school curriculum ensures we comply with the Equality Act of 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations of 2014.

To find out more detailed information about the curriculum, please look at the individual subject skills progression documents by clicking on the icons below.  

Please follow the link to the school's Accessibility Plan which will set out the extent to which SEND pupils participate in the school curriculum:

Accessibility Plan 2023 - 2024 | St Mary's Catholic Primary School ( 



Knowledge Organisers 2024-25

Knowledge Organisers are now produced for all Foundation Subjects. They detail what will be taught in each subject. They are published here on our website at the individual class pages. Please take a look to see in detail what we expect our children to learn across the broad range of subjects:
