Living and Learning Together - Shining in our Faith
Knowledge Organisers 2023-24
Knowledge Organisers are now produced for all Foundation Subjects. They detail what will be taught in each subject. They were launched in October, with parents receiving hard copies for the term in a booklet. They are now published here on our website at the individual class pages. Please take a look to see in detail what we expect our children to learn across the broad range of subjects:
End of Key Stage Attainment
2019 End of Key Stage 2 (Year 6)
Expected Standard +
Reading: School 92% (National 73%)
Writing: School 83% (National 78%)
Maths: School 92% (National 79%)
GPS: School 92% (National 78%)
% of Pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in R,W & M: School 83% (National 64%)
2019 End of Key Stage 1 (Year 2)
Expected Standard+
Reading: School 69% (National 74%)
Writing: School 50% (National 65%)
Maths: School 69% (National 73%)
2019 End of Year One Phonics Reading Test
Reaching the “Expected Standard”
School 93% (National 82%)