
St. Mary's Catholic Primary School

Living and Learning Together - Shining in our Faith

School Clubs

Wrap-around Childcare 


The After - School club and Breakfast club childcare facility is committed to providing an excellent service for young people and parents at the school.


Contact Us: 

Tel: 01704 880626




Breakfast Club: 7.45am to start of school

After School Club: End of school to 6pm

Places for both clubs must be booked and paid for in advance of the sessions



Morning: £5.00 per child

After School: £6.00 till 5pm - £8.00 till 6pm per child


Our Staff:

Mrs. Geldart

Mrs. Burton-Duff  


Breakfast includes a selection of cereals, toast, brioche and milk.

After school includes a healthy snack and toast option.
